Stepping up to the microphone. Where is your favorite place to travel? I'm a lover of anywhere with a beach, but also anywhere in Europe owns my soul. I really suck at actually narrowing it down. But if I had to pick one spot? I'd go with the UK because I'm forever an anglophile (the accent speaks for itself, I just can't quit it).

What's your most embarrassing moment? Why do we have to go here so soon! Alright, let's rip this band aid off. In high school my mom signed me up for our church choir even though I'd never say I was much of a singer, but I went along with it anyway. I wasn't feeling well during our Christmas performance, but I was determined to truck through. Low and behold, while I'm standing on the third riser, smack dab in the middle, I feel so sick and I don't have a clue what to do, so instead of running off the stage like I probably should have, I threw up on the two people in front of me... who continued to keep singing and act like nothing was happening. The show must go on, yeah? I never sang in the choir again.

Last picture you took with your phone? When in Rome, you get gelato.

What's your heritage? I'm one of those people who has a lot of different European roots (if you couldn't tell by the pale skin and red hair). My ancestors came from England and Scotland, primarily - and those are what I most strongly identify with - but I also have German, Irish, French, and Swedish ancestry as well. However, I am a California girl, born and bred, despite my trickery with the aforementioned accent. I picked it up during my uni days and it's just how I talk now, hard not to because it just fits.

What's the last lie you told? I told this really rude woman on a plane that it was my pleasure to help her during the flight. It was more like I was stabbing needles into my eyeballs the whole time.

Perfect pizza? I really love combination pizzas, all the delicious veggies and meat in one, yes please. With extra cheese! And thin crust!

Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation. There are little things like finding holes in my walls or dents in my car that I have no explanation for because I don't remember what happened, but I can't think of anything very extreme off the top of my head.

What would be your perfect job? A travel journalist would be an epic position to have, but then there's the long time dream of being a redwood forest ranger when I get older. Or any kind of forest/botanical garden employee.

What is your greatest achievement? Graduating from Cambridge University with a plant sciences degree was a proud moment, but I think in more recent news, I'm simply proud of being able to foster a life that I enjoy and thrive in. Even if my travel/work hours are sometimes exhausting beyond words. Flight attending is worth it for the lifestyle. Even when you have the occasional individual who makes you want to push them off the plane. Or you're stuck at the airport and have to sleep on the floor. #worthit

What is the longest word you know? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, obviously. I was two letters away from spelling it correctly, too!

Which would you prefer — three wishes over five years or one wish right now? Hmm, I think spacing them out would be ideal. You never know when a wish might come in handy! And I can be patient.

Where would you like to be in five years time? I would love to be living back in London or San Francisco in five years. I came to Boston to find some inner peace and closure, in a lot of ways, and I think I can say I've found that. I'm still not quite ready to move on, but I never intended this to be a long time home for me. In terms of my life, I'm a romantic, so of course I have to say that I hope I'll have settled down with someone by then. And by settled down, I mean that it'd be nice to have a companion to travel the world with.

Which skill would you love to learn? I would love to be a decent cook, honestly. I think that would take me far, but instead I end up surrounding myself around others who can cook, so it works out well.

What’s your hidden talent? I can read minds. jk jk. I'm really good at picking up new languages.

What's the last thing you binged on Netflix? Crazy Ex-Girlfriend!!! Best song because the struggle is so real sometimes.

Who is your favorite Grey's Anatomy character and why? This is such a difficult question, though. I saw myself in Izzie Stevens a lot when she was in the show, so I always really admired her and cheered her on. I'm still angry with the way her storyline ended on the show, but I know that was more because of the actress wanting out than anything - at least from what I've read. On the flip side, I think if I'm going to go with a character that has been in the show from day one to now, it'd be Alex Karev - I have a thing for the bad boys who redeem themselves, maybe. He's always had a soft spot in my heart.

If you were famous, what would you be famous for? Fame hasn't ever been something that interests me because of my dad. Not to say he's famous~ because unless you're into politics you may not know him, but I've still been around that type of environment where people put him/our family on a pedestal. It's superficial. But since that doesn't answer the question... if I had to be famous then I'd want to be famous for my art or because of philanthropy.

Are you reading any books right now? I'm slowly reading through The Girl on the Train, but my attention span has been shot to hell recently. It's a good read so far, though! I enjoy psychological thrillers.

What's your biggest pet peeve? Slow drivers are the worst. Quickest way to get me raging.

What never fails to make you laugh? Conan O'Brien and Jimmy Fallon. 'Nough said.

What do you feel the most grateful for? Strong connections. I would be nothing if not for the people I hold dear.

What's the best gift you've ever received? The gift of life! haha okay, jokes (sort of). I'd say my dad buying the house I currently rent is a pretty sweet gig, one I'm attached to greatly even if it is weird to live on my own with all this space sometimes.

Who was the last person you held hands with? This little kid I was helping off a plane today. He was such a little charmer, kissed my hand and everything as a thank you. These are the moments that melt hearts~

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? I'd like the ability to be braver in confronting people out of love. I don't like conflict in general, but I think it's a powerful thing when you can be loving and kind, but still tell people exactly what they need to hear.

If you could swap lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Catherine, Dutchess of Cambridge aka Kate Middleton, my hero. ♥_♥

What advice would you give your 16 year old self? I think Jimmy Eat World said it best. I actually listened to this song on repeat when I was 16, so it's super relevant.

Do you have a bucket list? If so, what's on it? My bucket list consists of wanting to go to every nation. I'd also like to go to outer space. And to write my own kid's book - not just illustrating it, but actually writing it.

If your life were turned into a movie, who would play you? What genre would your movie be? This is a no brainer on who would play me - Emma Stone, hands down. Not only is she possibly the coolest person, but I've also gotten confused for her more times than I can count. My life movie would be a drama, but a quirky drama? So it'd have comedy and romance in it. Like, think an indie film. They're always so fun and poignant.

If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why? Thanks for being morbid. Hmm, in a lot of ways I love the way that I'm living, but there are some things I would probably change. I might be more serious about my illustration work - not to say I'm not serious now, but that would mean dropping the flight attendant gig to give myself more time and opportunity to expand. I think I'll do that soon, but not quite yet. Give it another year at least, and hopefully I won't die in the mean time.

Do you sing in the shower? I do when I'm awake enough! Half the time I'm literally just standing under the hot water trying to relax and/or jolt myself awake. If I take a shower mid-day, that's when I usually bust out the tunes.

What's your favorite memory? My wedding day.

What do you value most in a friendship? Authenticity. It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I want what I give in a friendship. If I'm going to be myself, the raw, honest, and sometimes ugly version of myself, then I want that in return. I want that heart connection with everyone I let into my life, though I understand it can be a tiered sort of thing and I know I don't have the capacity to maintain close friendships with everyone, but... yeah. I really value authenticity because I think it encompasses the things I really cherish - honesty, openness, genuineness, and vulnerability. That's when you really get to know a person.

What's your favorite way to unwind? I'm not even joking when I say long walks on the beach. Or just long walks anywhere. I love being outside and it's always soothing. But if I'm tired and just want to stay in, hot showers, herbal tea, and Netflix do the trick.

What makes you happy? There are so many things in this world that make me happy that if I were to list them off we would be here forever. It's an active choice to be happy and joyful, it doesn't always come naturally, but I'm pretty adamant about finding the good things in most cases. Anyway, I digress. I'll give you ten: family, friends, food, my kitten Toothless, traveling, art, music, new experiences, creation, and lots of affection.

What's your idea of the perfect vacation? I'm a big fan of the tropical islands with the clear blue water and spacious skies. I think the perfect vacation has a good mix of relaxation and adventure. I want to experience the culture of where ever I'm going. I don't want to be stressed or pressed for time, so it has to be casual and laid back, too. And of course, having someone (or someone's) I care about with me is the icing on the cake.

Why am I your favorite friend? Oh, ouch, this is awkward... no, but seriously. I think out of anyone I know here in Boston, I've known you the longest. That means a lot to me, more than I can even say. Just don't pull out any pictures from ten years ago or else I will hurt you!

What's on your Christmas wish list? Do you think I'm too old to have a Christmas wish list to begin with? First of all, no I do not think you're too old. None of us are too old to have a wish list because that's part of the joy of Christmas! It's fun to be surprised with new things, whether they're on that list or not. But as for me, hmm... I feel like all year round I'm thinking of things I want for Christmas, but whenever I'm asked this question my mind goes completely blank. I could always go for more art supplies. Maybe some type of music lessons because I really want to expand my horizons in that regard. And along with that, I'd need an instrument - not sure what I want to start with? I've heard guitar and piano are both good options. Gift cards to Amazon are always A+. But you know what? The best gifts for me are the ones that are very personable, thought out, and creative - things I can't put on my wish list because it's up to the giver to decide! If that makes sense. The heart felt stuff gets me every time.

Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Oh gosh. I have visuals of either Leo DiCaprio getting mauled by a bear or those kids in Hunger Games getting attacked by tracker jackers. Neither sounds like fun. But I'd go with bees. I think I could survive bees.

Have you ever played connect the dots with your own freckles? HA! I haven't personally, no, but I've had other people attack me with pens trying to see what shapes my freckles create. Are you volunteering?

Who was your first kiss? Bryce Howard was the first boy who ever kissed me, when I was fourteen. I'd had a crush on him for a couple of months and thought it was way too good to be true when he asked me to go mini golfing with him and a few of our other friends. If I remember correctly, he kissed me mid-way through the game, just after I'd gotten a hole in one. It was kinda sweet, but also kinda slobbery. :/

Have you ever broken the law? I'm a rebel without a cause, but I've never broken the law to any extremes other than little things like speeding or under age drinking. With my dad's job in goverment biz, I'd never want to do something that would put a black spot on his record. ... but sometimes I'm just not the greatest at living by the rule book.

Do you have any bad habits? I have the bad habit of staying up all night even when I know I should be sleeping. Sometimes I'll get in the 'zone' where my illustration work is concerned and I lose track of time. Or I'll be marathoning shows on Netflix. I also eat really poorly. Like, 'I need to eat more fruits and veggies and less take out' kind of poorly. Oh, and is drinking copious amounts of tea a bad habit? I have like 8 cups a day, it's an addiction.

What was the last text you sent? To whom? My last text was to you, didn't you get it?

How much do you identify with being a ginger? I live and breathe being ginger. I am so proud of it. I think it's really funny how people have looked down on redheads just because of the glorious colour of their hair. Now I think we're hopefully coming into a place (and have been for a while now) where red hair is cherished and admired - I know so many people who have bottle red hair and I think it's so great, it's so bright and eye catching. But when you're a natural ginger, there's just something really unique and special about it. We are such a small percentage of the population that there's always a bond that's formed when you meet fellow redheads. I love that. And hey, there are some fun perks to being a redhead that I can attest to - we handle pain better and we're oversexed, just sayin'.

If you could choose one world problem to end, which would it be? Human trafficking. Slavery of any kind. Get that the fuck out of this world, I am not even joking. I am so angry just thinking about it.

Is "the greater good" a good reason to act a certain way? No, I don't think so. I think while you definitely have to have the overall picture of a specific 'agenda', you also need to think about the individuals that are going to be affected by your actions. If for 'the greater good' your actions end up hurting people in any way, I wouldn't say that's very good at all. Maybe I'm too naive in that respect, but I'm a pacifist and I think every single person matters.

What's your stay sign? What is a stay sign! Or maybe you meant star sign? Idk if so, I'm a pisces.

Do you have siblings? I have an older sister named Camilla, we've never been super close but I think she's great. I also have a little brother named Ryan, I absolutely adore that kid - who has kids of his own now and that will never not weird me out. But auntie time is the best ♥

When did you lose your virginity? Much too young at 15.

Heart or brain? (I know this one.) I think everyone and their mother knows this one. I go with my heart. 99.9% of the time, emotion is what drives me. It's both a strength and weakness, I've found.

How did you and Charlie meet? The story goes something like this. Girl meets boy at a bar soon after she moves to Boston. She tries to hit on him because hello, have you seen those pretty peepers? Boy shoots her down, graciously, because he's a good one like that. She's not really sad about it because then they end up gabbing for hours about nothing and everything all at once. Friendship formed. Bam.

Who's your celebrity crush? This is where I forever say Heath Ledger. Weeps for his loss still. For relevancy's sake, I'll say that my current celeb crush is Justin Baldoni because that man has got it going on in so many ways and I will never get over how great Jane the Virgin is.

What's been the most tragic moment of your life? Blimey, we're just going to get into it now, aren't we? Well, I don't like to hold back (if that's not been obvious through this entire long block of text), so I'll be honest with the class. My husband/best friend passed away overseas 9 years ago. I could talk a lot about this, but it's so special to me that if you're very curious you can please feel free to ask me more. I don't mind talking about it, but I want to know people actually are interested to hear. He was an incredible man and I miss him very much.

When was the last time you said something untrue? Why? You have to be wise with those you give your heart to, those that you're honest with. So when I say something untrue it's not because I'm meaning to lie - I really dislike being untruthful - but not everyone is ready to hear what I need or want to say. I told a friend the other day that I wanted to be alone when I didn't really want to be alone, but it seemed like the best option at the time.

What is your favourite insect? Butterflies, lady bugs, rolley polleys, earth worms... these are the things that fascinated me as a kid and still make me happy today.

If you were a lesbian, who would be your celebrity girlfriend? Are you trying to inception me so that I'll become a lesbian for your viewing pleasure?? I don't hate it. Okay, I actually have a bunch of celeb female crushes. Go wild with the imagery. Tatiana Maslany, Rosario Dawson, Olivia Munn, Kristen Bell, and Jessica Chastain are just to name a few. Gorgeous, beautiful women, inside and out, the lot of them.

Who are three of your biggest inspirations? Sylvia Plath. C.S. Lewis. Shel Silverstein.

Do you believe in past lives? Why or why not? If I had been asked this question a few months ago I would have said no. Now? I'm not really sure. I'm not really sure what I believe anymore because the things I've experienced recently make me wonder what's true about my Catholic/Christian upbringing. Do I still believe God exists? Absolutely, that won't waver even in the most confusing of times, but my black and white views on past or alternate lives has certainly been shaken up. So I know this isn't much of an answer. All I can say is, I don't know.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I actually wanted to be the first female President of the United States. I balk at the idea of it now, but when I was young, following my dad around to meetings and conventions, I really thought politics was the most interesting thing of all because it meant that I could make good, lasting changes and help people improve their lives. Then my teen years hit and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with it.

Do you prefer being single or being in a relationship? I think both have their pros and cons. I enjoy being single because it means I can do anything I want with my time, I don't have anyone to check in with, I can just go. I enjoy being in a relationship because constant companionship can be a very comforting thing and I love to be able to love someone with all that I have. I guess the best way to answer this is by saying that I enjoy my single years as much as I can because I know there will come a day when I will be in a relationship again, so I want to enjoy both seasons and take advantage of them as best as I can.

What is the most attractive quality that you find in the opposite sex? A man who is willing to talk things out, even when it hurts, is something I find myself endlessly drawn to. Coupled with that, a man who can listen and not instantly try to 'fix' the situation is also appreciated and welcomed.

How would you describe your perfect romantic partner? Oh gosh. If I were to dream about it... he'd have such a big heart, warm, sensitive to others, self-aware of himself, able to make me laugh, with the ability to be open and transparent (re: previous question), with a mix of strength and courage, gentleness and humility, and all of that bound by kindness and love. He'd also probably have to be extroverted like me or at least be able to deal with me a lot because I like the company.

Do you prefer bearded or clean-shaven men? Both. Both is good! But really, if I had to choose then I'd go with facial hair. At least the scruffy look because yum.

What nationality is the sexiest to you? How do you expect me to choose just one?? Cruel. Generally speaking, my attraction is raised by the accent a man has. He could be an okay looking bloke, but once he starts speaking in the following accents, then I am going to have some heart eyes happening: English, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Australian, New Zealand, South African, and French. ...this list is not exhaustive.

What is your opinion on "friends with benefits"? Do you believe that both sides can mutually keep it free of attachments? I have zero qualms with FWBing, but I think it definitely depends on the two people involved. This is where communication comes into play and there should probably be an open platform to make sure you're both on the same page. I've had great experience with it in the past in the sense that it's actually made my friendships stronger. Then again, on the flip side, feelings and attachments are definitely much easier to get stirred up when you already have the foundation of friendship. I don't think When Harry Met Sally is entirely right when they say men and women can't be friends without either party falling in love~ but then when sex is thrown in there, complications probably will happen at some point or another based on boundaries. I don't know I'm rambling stop me now bye. The point is, sometimes you just have to be intentional and not let yourself go there emotionally. Have fun, be casual, enjoy one another's company, but if it gets more complicated and that's not something either of you want, then have the decency to talk about it and shift your friendship so it doesn't get shaky. The friendship is what matters, sex is just a bonus.

What advice would you give to someone who's unsure about expressing their romantic feelings? I would say that opening up to someone like that and exposing how you feel is pretty darn scary! Because we never know what the outcome may be, but we shouldn't let ourselves be held back by fear. Taking risks is a part of life, even more so where romantic entanglements are concerned. But there can be such a joy found in it when you express to someone else how you feel about them. If they receive it well, it can be the most rewarding thing. If they don't, it will definitely sting for awhile, but it's a learning experience that can allow you to grow stronger. Ultimately, my advice is this: be honest; figure out the easiest and most comfortable way for you to communicate your feelings. If you don't want to speak it, then write a letter. Don't text, never text or email, that's tacky. Show them that you're putting thought and effort into it as well. Or, you know, sometimes it'll just be an impromptu moment where you word vomit all over them, that's cool, too. Just get it out and stop second guessing yourself. You both deserve the honesty.

If you have children in the future, what physical and/or personal traits of yours would you want them to inherit? I always wanted to have little redheaded curly haired babies, I think that's the cutest thing, but I'm obviously biased. But I'd be okay if they didn't have my pale skin because that's such a pain in the arse to deal with. This feels cocky saying, but as far as personal traits go, I would also want them to have my gumption, my strength, and thoughtfulness toward other people. It's important that they know the world doesn't revolve around them and that they should do their part to make it a better place.

Do you have a funny sex story that you're willing to share? Haha I have a few, but I'm not going to give them all away for free! Let's just say that sometimes, sex in showers is not a good idea. You can end up slipping and smashing your face into the wall and getting a busted lip that you have to somehow explain to people, it's not ideal. Trust me.

Who is your favorite blonde?! You are the worst. But no, really, you're at least in the top three. ;)

Do you have a happy place? Physically, I have a few happy places. This is going to sound so cheesy, but when I'm really upset my happy place is hanging out with my dad, whatever he's doing even if it means I'm just sitting in his office with him and we're both doing our own things. He brings a lot of security and happiness into my life, so it sucks that a lot of the time he's on the other side of the States.

Does it bother you when people have the wrong idea about who you are? Do you ever correct them? It bothers me, yeah. When people twist my words or actions to meet their own pre-conceived ideas about the kind of person they think I am, it pisses me off a lot. But that just goes to show me that such people aren't worth my time or energy if they aren't going to respect me enough to get to know me on a personal level. I'll correct them if I feel it's deserving of my time and if I really feel I need to defend myself, but more often than not I let it go.

What's your relationship with God like? It's not as good as I would like it to be, and that's my own fault because I can so often do my own thing without bringing God into the picture. But I grew up in the Catholic church. Then I changed Christian denominations after high school. That's where my relationship with God changed because I saw him as more than just this effervescent being I always heard about in mass. I saw him as a real entity, as a living and breathing and personable God who wasn't distant, but he was close by and actually wanted a relationship with me. I see him a lot like my own earthly father, how he wants to take care of me and protect me and provide for me and simply love me because I'm his. I experienced God's comfort and love so profoundly after my husband died, it's changed me forever in some ways. And I see him in the beauty that's all around me - specifically in the people he's created. But I confess that sometimes I don't find it always easy to connect with him, especially when my life's a little more on the confusing and chaotic side. Still, at the end of the day, it's been my faith in God - that no matter what happens he is still there, no matter how much I may mess up - that has kept me going all these years.

MFK, me, vas, sasha? WHAT THE HELL KIND OF QUESTION IS THIS. You know I'm chicks before dicks, so... Marry Sasha, Fuck you (seriously, that'd be hot), and Kill Vas. Sorry, Vas.

Do gingers have more fun? YES. All the yeses. I think there's something very unique about us - same could be said about other hair colour groups, of course - but even if it's just because of a 'mutant' gene, we fiery haired ones are something special.

Do you take your phone into the bathroom? When I'm getting ready for the day, absolutely. Not like... all the time.

Be honest, have you ever texted on the toilet? This is so awkward, I don't do toilet talk. You know this about me.

Shaving, trimming, waxing or au naturale? You are officially the worst. Worse than the blonde one who got me talking about romantic things. Nobody needs to know how I maintain my lady bits, tyvm.

What advice would you give to someone who's going through a difficult situation? Always hold onto hope. Hope is the anchor of our soul. Hope is what will keep us breathing and moving forward. Know that whatever is going on right now, however you feel? It's not always going to be like this. There is hope, there is light at the end of the tunnel, change will happen if you keep moving forward. It won't happen instantly or over night, not a lot of the time, but it will happen. And that's a truth you have to hold onto, against all odds.

How do you handle adversity? With a lot of faith, trust, and pixie dust. No, I don't know, I just... try to take the road less traveled. Adversity, whether it's in the form of a person or a situation, is what I like to see as an opportunity and invitation to grow. It's not always easy and it definitely takes some time to fully process how such a challenge could be a tool for getting stronger, but I think when something or someone comes against you, you have that choice whether you're going to let it take you down or whether you're going to actively push forward to be the best version of yourself that you can be. It's easier said than done, totally, but it's how I try to go about my life in the ups and downs. Admittedly, I haven't been doing a great job of it as of late, but I'm trying.

What is your biggest fear in a relationship? Pretty self explanatory at this point, but losing my loved one is the top fear, I think. Giving my heart away only to have it go unattended for some reason or another.

What was your worst first date ever? Going out to dinner only to have the guy texting his mates the entire time was pretty bad. No second date for you, mister, I don't care what excuses you try to give me.

What is your weirdest habit? I like to blame this on my cousin who taught me all her ways, but I really love eating mayonnaise with everything. I mean, everything. I will try it on anything just to see if it tastes good.

How many kids would you like to have? I haven't thought about this seriously for years. The number's changed now that I'm older, so I'd probably go with one or two, but I'm not really in the market for motherhood.

What is one embarrassing fact I should know about you? You don't need to know any embarrassing facts about me! Okay, this isn't something I admit, but when I go clothes shopping and go into the dressing room, I get really paranoid about potential two-way mirrors. So I always do the mirror check to see just in case... you press your finger up to the mirror. If there's a gap between your finger and its reflection, then it's a real mirror. If there's no gap, it's a two-way... I don't actually know if this is true or not, honestly. I've never tested this on a fake mirror, but it still appeases my paranoia. I'm really modest, alright? I don't want anybody seeing this business unless I want them to!

If there was no such thing as money, what would you do with your life? I'd combine my professions to become a traveling artist. I'd be that person at all the beautiful sites with a canvas and painting supplies - even though I'm not really a painter, but I'd become one.

What is your dream job? Dammit, I was so proud that no one had asked the same questions, but now you had to go and ruin that streak. Pointing you back to the 'perfect job' question for the sake of not being redundant.

Who is your favourite person and why? I think it's fairly clear by now that I am the epitome of a daddy's girl. I've always been his little princess, and I look up to him so, so, so much. He's basically my best friend, biggest supporter, and number one fan. I'd be nothing without him. I just love him a lot. A good father can change a person's life, you know?

Do you believe in love at first sight? The romantic in me really would love to believe in love at first sight, but I'm a little jaded and wary where that's concerned. You might feel a spark and connection at first sight, but I think love is a choice that goes way deeper than those feelings you have at first glance. Because what happens when those feelings start to fade and it doesn't feel as exciting as it did to start off with? That's when the choice comes in. You choose to love that person, and that's not based on that instantaneous chemistry you felt on day one. But what do I know? I've only been in love a few times. I could be wrong.

What is your dream wedding? Out in nature. In the woods. On a beach. Small and intimate with a large reception. Family and close friends as witnesses. Personally written vows. Stringed quartet. Lots of dancing, drinking, and food.

Cats or dogs? Cats! I mean dogs! No, cats! ...both? Okay, cats because they're sassy, temperamental, full of personality, can take care of themselves, but have the potential to be so sweet and loving (depending on the cat, ahem). I just feel like if I were an animal, I'd be in the feline family. Like a really lovely, cuddly long haired cat that wants to curl up with its owner and purr all day long.

It's ladies night and someone has dedicated your guiltiest pleasure song to you. What song is it? Oops I Did It Again or I'm a Genie in a Bottle. #childhoodmemories

You're running late in the morning, what's the one thing you refuse to leave the house without? I feel like saying my phone or wallet are cop outs, so I'll go with something more off the wall. My chapstick, honestly. I feel so weird if I don't have that with me to put on throughout the day.

How do you keep fit? Physically and mentally? Physically, probably I need to do more, but I do the sporadic gym work outs and sparring with friends. I try to eat healthy for body and mind, even though I have a weakness for junk food. Journaling helps keep my mind clear and healthy, too, I think.

Where would you like to vacation next? I keep saying I need to make it down to New Zealand for an actual vacation, so. I think I need to plan that asap especially since it's almost summer there.

Have you seen this? Would you ever do something similar at work? I have seen this and I think it's brilliant! I, however, would make a rubbish job of it. I'm not generally the one who does the speaking, but I have done various UK accents for fun.

What's your favourite part of flying? Is it weird if I say turbulence? I love it. I love the thrill of it. And this is probably mean (but I have to find entertainment on the job somehow, right?), but I love watching peoples reactions to it.

At what age did you feel most content? 19-20, both good years.

Look in your closet. What's your favourite thing in there right now? I have way too many clothes. D: I have this big purple cheetah spotted scarf that I love to death, so happy it's colder and can wear it again.

You're getting a mani/pedi. What nail colour do you choose? If I have to work then it'll be a neutral tone, but if I don't have to work then I'll go wild with a bright purple or blue.

Do your thoughts ever frighten you? They have before, definitely. Not on the regular, but I've had darker moments. Generally, I really am very active and intentional with the thoughts that I let take up my mind. If it's a negative thing then I will shift my line of thinking as fast as I can. It doesn't do any good to dwell on bad things.

Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid, it felt like it was real hours after you woke up? Do you still remember it? I had a dream once where I had died and was at the gates of Heaven, but for some reason I wasn't allowed in. I started crying in the dream, and then I woke up and I was actually crying because it had affected my spirit. It was intense and definitely a wake up call.

When you were scared as a child, how did your parents soothe you? I used to be the little girl who would sneak into my parents room to crawl into bed with them every night. They'd let me curl up in the middle and I remember even today how secure and safe I felt. Both parents are very affectionate, so they would sooth me with a lot of hugs and cuddles. And ice cream. :D

What's your favourite memory of home? I just love San Francisco in general. So can I just say that, all of San Francisco? Clam chowder in bread bowls, yessss.

Is there a scent that reminds you of home? If so, what is it? The smell of the ocean always reminds me of home.

Do you love me? Siempre te amaré ♥